Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jen's Life and What Not

It's funny what a three month stint of unemployment can bring out in a person. That's what happened to me during the summer of 07. I had worked under a grant and my position was cut. Well, after working since the age of 16, I thought, "You know what? I can take a month off."

So...what to do. Apply to graduate school and find work. I earned my certification to be a substitute teacher and did some teaching. I actually enjoyed it. I was accepted into the IMC Program at WVU. After three months (to the day!) I was hired by the Black Diamond Girl Scout Council as their communications specialist. I really enjoyed that position, but when you have two teenaged mouths and a 95 pound black labrador retreiver to feed, I needed something more.

After two months with the Girl Scouts, I moved on to my current position with a trade association. With this job, I oversee the day to day operations, budgets, their public relations, promotion projects, communications, lobbying and more. It's me and my secretary so I wear a lot of hats. While this is not my dream job, it will do for now as I am always looking.

That's it about my professional life. Now for my personal life. I was born and raised in Charleston, W.Va., graduated from WVU in advertising. I am the youngest of three daughters (God, help my parents!) and I have three nieces and a nephew. I am happily married to John. We will celebrate our sixth wedding anniversary on December 7th. Yes, Pearl Harbor Day...the Day that will go down in INFAMY! He has two children from a previous marriage and I am lucky that the kids and I get along so well. They are both in high school so all good luck fairy dust can be blown my way :). As mentioned earlier, I have a black lab named Josie. I have to say, she is the smartest dog I have ever come across: Here is her pic at the beach this year.
That's it about me.

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